Internal energy potential minimization (S, V, constrained)

Closed system; crystallization of a rhyolitic liquid using rhyolite-MELTS

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import scipy.linalg as lin
import sys
from thermoengine import core, phases, model, equilibrate
np.set_printoptions(linewidth=200, precision=1)

Create phases for equilibrium assemblages

modelDB = model.Database(liq_mod='v1.0')
Liquid = modelDB.get_phase('Liq')
Feldspar = modelDB.get_phase('Fsp')
Quartz = modelDB.get_phase('Qz')

The Berman model database provides the SWIM water model by default. Instead, override that choice by instantiating the MELTS 1.0.2 water model directly.

Water = phases.PurePhase('WaterMelts', 'H2O', calib=False)

Define elements in system and phases in system

elm_sys = ['H','O','Na','Mg','Al','Si','P','K','Ca','Ti','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni']
phs_sys = [Liquid, Feldspar, Water, Quartz]

Composition of the system

This is a high-silica rhyolite

grm_oxides = {
    'SiO2':  77.5,
    'TiO2':   0.08,
    'Al2O3': 12.5,
    'Fe2O3':  0.207,
    'Cr2O3':  0.0,
    'FeO':    0.473,
    'MnO':    0.0,
    'MgO':    0.03,
    'NiO':    0.0,
    'CoO':    0.0,
    'CaO':    0.43,
    'Na2O':   3.98,
    'K2O':    4.88,
    'P2O5':   0.0,
    'H2O':    5.5

Cast this composition as moles of elements for input to the Equilibrate class

mol_oxides = core.chem.format_mol_oxide_comp(grm_oxides, convert_grams_to_moles=True)
moles_end,oxide_res = Liquid.calc_endmember_comp(
    mol_oxide_comp=mol_oxides, method='intrinsic', output_residual=True)
if not Liquid.test_endmember_comp(moles_end):
    print ("Calculated composition is infeasible!")
mol_elm = Liquid.covert_endmember_comp(moles_end,output='moles_elements')
blk_cmp = []
for elm in elm_sys:
    index = core.chem.PERIODIC_ORDER.tolist().index(elm)
blk_cmp = np.array(blk_cmp)

Function to constrain the entropy and the volume

Note that the entropy is equivalent to $ - :raw-latex:`\frac{{\partial G}}{{\partial T}}`$ and that the volume is equivalent to :math:`frac{{partial G}}{{partial P}}` - Run an equilibration step at fixed T,P - Calculate the entropy and volume of the system - Define functions to set the entropy and volume for subsequent equilibration steps

equil = equilibrate.Equilibrate(elm_sys, phs_sys)
t = 1050.0
p = 1750.0
state = equil.execute(t, p, bulk_comp=blk_cmp, debug=0, stats=True)
Add: Water
Quad (000) norm:  2.8609503260090e-02 Lin (019) step:  9.4395802431652e-01 func: -1.7280794403704e+06
Quad (001) norm:  1.7020967377192e-08 Lin (026) step: -3.9941348412705e-01 func: -1.7280794403704e+06
Quad (002) norm:  2.3819371335756e-08 Lin (037) step:  9.4323348836889e-01 func: -1.7280794403704e+06
Quad (003) norm:  1.3521403531091e-09 Lin (032) step: -4.7213659552033e-01 func: -1.7280794403704e+06
Quad (004) norm:  1.9905400629586e-09 Lin (039) step: -1.2872026626417e+00 func: -1.7280794403704e+06
Quad (005) norm:  4.5527674310389e-09 Lin (039) step: -1.7924442664609e+00 func: -1.7280794403704e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Add: Feldspar
Quad (000) norm:  5.8343755255746e-03 Lin (020) step:  9.7809006932692e-01 func: -1.7280795838328e+06
Quad (001) norm:  2.2098427302856e-04 Lin (012) step:  1.0471013041669e+00 func: -1.7280795887688e+06
Quad (002) norm:  9.8888798416875e-05 Lin (025) step:  1.0023917655135e+00 func: -1.7280795888147e+06
Quad (003) norm:  1.4361892154363e-07 Lin (029) step:  9.9860621867021e-01 func: -1.7280795888147e+06
Quad (004) norm:  1.6471976415762e-10 Lin (037) step: -1.0717369638414e+00 func: -1.7280795888147e+06
Quad (005) norm:  3.4122477608691e-10 Lin (034) step: -1.0565415854491e+00 func: -1.7280795888147e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     776.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   1.639690 grams: 104.628
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6745  wt%    SiO2   73.73
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0006  wt%    TiO2    0.08
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0424  wt%   Al2O3   11.82
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0008  wt%   Fe2O3    0.20
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.45
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0020  wt%     MgO    0.03
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.39
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0002  wt%    Na2O    3.76
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.66
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    4.89
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0044
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0387
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0631
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1732
Feldspar        moles:   0.002127 grams:   0.567
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7392  wt%    SiO2   63.41
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.1886  wt%   Al2O3   22.75
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.0723  wt%     CaO    3.97
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.60
                                                  wt%     K2O    1.28
Water           moles:   0.021370 grams:   0.385
Quartz          affn:     134.38
delta_dGdT = 0.0
dGdT = state.dGdT(t,p)
def conT(t, p, state):
    return dGdT + delta_dGdT
print (conT(t, p, None), state.dGdT(t,p))
delta_dGdP = 0.0
dGdP = state.dGdP(t,p)
def conP(t, p, state):
    return dGdP + delta_dGdP
-272.53139197088126 -272.53139197088126

Instantiate class instance and run calculation

equil = equilibrate.Equilibrate(elm_sys, phs_sys, lagrange_l=[('T',conT),('P',conP)])
state = equil.execute(t, p, bulk_comp=blk_cmp, debug=0, stats=True)
Add: Water
Quad (000) norm:  2.7440425792652e+03 Lin (018) step: -3.6631021024202e-01 func: -1.4504785905582e+06
Quad (001) norm:  5.6241198998666e-05 Lin (032) step:  1.0633982368735e+00 func: -1.4504785905583e+06
Quad (002) norm:  3.8315742232314e-06 Lin (040) step: -7.3760884727322e-01 func: -1.4504785905583e+06
Quad (003) norm:  6.5187799394262e-06 Lin (030) step:  2.2291077929404e-01 func: -1.4504785905583e+06
Quad (004) norm:  4.0347687869948e-06 Lin (038) step: -3.8776887618691e-01 func: -1.4504785905583e+06
Quad (005) norm:  5.8922812452171e-06 Lin (034) step:  4.0330319124792e-01 func: -1.4504785905583e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Add: Feldspar
Quad (000) norm:  1.4255918044039e+01 Lin (024) step:  9.8721565153341e-01 func: -1.4504788192807e+06
Quad (001) norm:  5.5851657877330e-01 Lin (024) step:  1.0293237248731e+00 func: -1.4504788251705e+06
Quad (002) norm:  1.6681932555171e-01 Lin (022) step:  1.0038995375858e+00 func: -1.4504788252135e+06
Quad (003) norm:  3.4194341448514e-04 Lin (007) step:  1.2360679958336e+00 func: -1.4504788252135e+06
Quad (004) norm:  8.2574899086290e-05 Lin (038) step:  1.6168503100357e+00 func: -1.4504788252135e+06
Quad (005) norm:  5.4155487274901e-05 Lin (041) step: -3.9575049032453e-01 func: -1.4504788252135e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     776.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   1.639690 grams: 104.628
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6745  wt%    SiO2   73.73
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0006  wt%    TiO2    0.08
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0424  wt%   Al2O3   11.82
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0008  wt%   Fe2O3    0.20
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.45
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0020  wt%     MgO    0.03
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.39
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0002  wt%    Na2O    3.76
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.66
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    4.89
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0044
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0387
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0631
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1732
Feldspar        moles:   0.002127 grams:   0.567
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7392  wt%    SiO2   63.41
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.1886  wt%   Al2O3   22.75
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.0723  wt%     CaO    3.97
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.60
                                                  wt%     K2O    1.28
Water           moles:   0.021370 grams:   0.385
Quartz          affn:     134.38

Pickup runs use previously computed state

delta_dGdT = 5.0
delta_dGdP = 0.1
state = equil.execute(t, p, state=state, debug=0, stats=True)
Quad (000) norm:  1.0665794695480e+03 Lin (017) step:  7.6698918214359e-01 func: -1.4558246702037e+06
Quad (001) norm:  4.5920341327916e+01 Lin (025) step:  1.0798000483052e+00 func: -1.4558315783073e+06
Quad (002) norm:  7.8199343002471e-01 Lin (025) step:  1.3227692436755e+00 func: -1.4558318887167e+06
Quad (003) norm:  1.1841611901740e+00 Lin (028) step:  9.9872636995588e-01 func: -1.4558318924202e+06
Quad (004) norm:  4.5083625782551e-03 Lin (015) step:  1.0180817909720e+00 func: -1.4558318924203e+06
Quad (005) norm:  7.8522833105113e-05 Lin (036) step:  1.4160247695405e+00 func: -1.4558318924203e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Unmixing: Feldspar
Add: Quartz
Quad (000) norm:  9.3008039690192e+01 Lin (017) step:  8.9913103195612e-01 func: -1.4558532895168e+06
Quad (001) norm:  1.0846094964032e+01 Lin (030) step:  1.1797971119101e+00 func: -1.4558534331925e+06
Quad (002) norm:  1.3238149403503e+00 Lin (027) step:  1.0154286248998e+00 func: -1.4558534345972e+06
Quad (003) norm:  2.1525493814175e-02 Lin (034) step:  1.0043899897495e+00 func: -1.4558534345977e+06
Quad (004) norm:  9.1170103770516e-05 Lin (034) step:  2.6548843415844e-01 func: -1.4558534345977e+06
Quad (005) norm:  6.6781933106375e-05 Lin (033) step: -9.1130089900093e-01 func: -1.4558534345977e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     764.06 °C, P =      169.5 MPa
Liquid          moles:   1.298234 grams:  83.372
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6794  wt%    SiO2   73.89
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0008  wt%    TiO2    0.10
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0398  wt%   Al2O3   11.63
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0010  wt%   Fe2O3    0.25
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.57
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0025  wt%     MgO    0.04
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.27
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0003  wt%    Na2O    3.63
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.90
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    4.73
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0031
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0376
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0669
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1686
Feldspar        moles:   0.027010 grams:   7.188
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7558  wt%    SiO2   65.01
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.1205  wt%   Al2O3   21.46
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1237  wt%     CaO    2.54
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.80
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.19
Water           moles:   0.086351 grams:   1.556
Quartz          moles:   0.114217 grams:   6.863
Feldspar        moles:   0.024321 grams:   6.601
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4297  wt%    SiO2   66.04
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0167  wt%   Al2O3   19.10
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5536  wt%     CaO    0.35
                                                  wt%    Na2O    4.91
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.61