Gibbs free energy potential minimization (T, P)

With rhyolite-MELTS and \(\mu\)O2 constrained using the empirical method of Kress and Carmichael (1991)

This notebook demonstates the use of the Equilibrate class in the equilibrate module to perform equilibrium crystallization clculations for the special case of oxygen fugacity constrained using the model of Kress and Carmichael (1991). This model is applicable to natural composition silicate liquids and is usually applied in conjunction with thermodynamic models published by Ghiorso and Sack (1995) [MELTS], Ghiorso et al., (2003) [pMELTS], Gualda et al. (2012) [rhyolite-MELTS] or Ghiorso and Gualda (2015) [rhyoliteMELTS + CO2].


Ghiorso, Mark S., and Sack, Richard O. (1995) Chemical Mass Transfer in Magmatic Processes. IV. A Revised and Internally Consistent Thermodynamic Model for the Interpolation and Extrapolation of Liquid-Solid Equilibria in Magmatic Systems at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 119, 197-212

Ghiorso, Mark S., Hirschmann, Marc M., Reiners, Peter W., and Kress, Victor C. III (2002) The pMELTS: An revision of MELTS aimed at improving calculation of phase relations and major element partitioning involved in partial melting of the mantle at pressures up to 3 GPa. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 3(5), 10.1029/2001GC000217

Gualda G.A.R., Ghiorso M.S., Lemons R.V., Carley T.L. (2012) Rhyolite-MELTS: A modified calibration of MELTS optimized for silica-rich, fluid-bearing magmatic systems. Journal of Petrology, 53, 875-890

Ghiorso M.S., Gualda, G.A.R., (2015) An H2O-CO2 mixed fluid saturation model compatible with rhyolite-MELTS. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 2015, doi:10.1007/s00410-015-1141-8

Kress and Carmichael (1991, The compressibility of silicate liquids containing Fe2O3 and the effect of composition, temperature, oxygen fugacity and pressure on their redox states, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 108:82-92

Note that the method demonstrated in this notebook should ideally be cast into a proper Khorzhinskii potential minimization, as is done for the \(\mu\)H2O constraint method illustrated in the next notebook. However, the method of Kress and Carmichael (1991) is inconsistent with the thermodynamic models of Ghiorso and others, even though the latter were dependently calibrated on the basis of the former. This inconsistency prevents a minima in the Khorzhinskii potential of a system containing a Ghiorso-like liquid model from reproducing the calibration of Kress and Carmichael. Hence, the empirical method of this notebook is made avaialble for practical application; the method used here mimics the method used in MELTS, etc.

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import scipy.linalg as lin
import sys
from thermoengine import core, phases, model, equilibrate

Create phases for equilibrium assemblages

Minimal rhyolitic phase assemblage

modelDB = model.Database(liq_mod='v1.0')
Liquid = modelDB.get_phase('Liq')
Feldspar = modelDB.get_phase('Fsp')
Quartz = modelDB.get_phase('Qz')
Spinel = modelDB.get_phase('SplS')
Opx = modelDB.get_phase('Opx')
RhomOx = modelDB.get_phase('Rhom')

The Berman model database provides the SWIM water model by default. Instead, override that choice by instantiating the MELTS 1.0.2 water model directly.

Water = phases.PurePhase('WaterMelts', 'H2O', calib=False)

Define elements in system and phases in system

These 15 elements are required for the silicate liquid model of MELTS (rhyolite-MELTS)

elm_sys = ['H','O','Na','Mg','Al','Si','P','K','Ca','Ti','Cr','Mn','Fe','Co','Ni']
phs_sys = [Liquid, Feldspar, Water, Quartz, Spinel, Opx, RhomOx]

Composition of the system

This is a high-silica rhyolite

grm_oxides = {
    'SiO2':  77.5,
    'TiO2':   0.08,
    'Al2O3': 12.5,
    'Fe2O3':  0.207,
    'Cr2O3':  0.0,
    'FeO':    0.473,
    'MnO':    0.0,
    'MgO':    0.03,
    'NiO':    0.0,
    'CoO':    0.0,
    'CaO':    0.43,
    'Na2O':   3.98,
    'K2O':    4.88,
    'P2O5':   0.0,
    'H2O':    5.5
tot_grm_oxides = 0.0
for key in grm_oxides.keys():
    tot_grm_oxides += grm_oxides[key]

Cast this composition as moles of elements for input to the Equilibrate class

mol_oxides = core.chem.format_mol_oxide_comp(grm_oxides, convert_grams_to_moles=True)
moles_end,oxide_res = Liquid.calc_endmember_comp(
    mol_oxide_comp=mol_oxides, method='intrinsic', output_residual=True)
if not Liquid.test_endmember_comp(moles_end):
    print ("Calculated composition is infeasible!")
mol_elm = Liquid.covert_endmember_comp(moles_end,output='moles_elements')
blk_cmp = []
for elm in elm_sys:
    index = core.chem.PERIODIC_ORDER.tolist().index(elm)
blk_cmp = np.array(blk_cmp)

Run the calculation

equil = equilibrate.Equilibrate(elm_sys, phs_sys)

Uncomment here and in the next cell to generate a call graph that traces execution times by method and module

#%load_ext snakeviz

For reference, equilibrate at an initial temperature and pressure

#%%snakeviz --new-tab
t = 1034.0
p = 1750.0
state = equil.execute(t, p, bulk_comp=blk_cmp, debug=0, stats=False)
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     760.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   0.631594 grams:  40.489
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6742  wt%    SiO2   73.59
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0010  wt%    TiO2    0.13
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0401  wt%   Al2O3   11.50
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0007  wt%   Fe2O3    0.19
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.90
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0040  wt%     MgO    0.07
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.24
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0006  wt%    Na2O    3.79
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.74
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    4.86
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0027
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0392
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0644
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1730
Feldspar        moles:   0.040758 grams:  10.843
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7619  wt%    SiO2   65.42
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.1035  wt%   Al2O3   21.15
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1346  wt%     CaO    2.18
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.87
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.38
Water           moles:   0.196050 grams:   3.532
Quartz          moles:   0.356430 grams:  21.416
Spinel          moles:   0.001206 grams:   0.273
       chromite form:  FeCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%    TiO2    9.92
      hercynite form:  FeAl2O4        X:  0.0046  wt%   Al2O3    1.65
      magnetite form:  Fe3O4          X:  0.6825  wt%   Fe2O3   48.19
         spinel form:  MgAl2O4        X:  0.0321  wt%     FeO   39.67
     ulvospinel form:  Fe2TiO4        X:  0.2808  wt%     MgO    0.57
Orthopyroxene   affn:    1601.07
       diopside form:  CaMgSi2O6      X: -1.3631
 clinoenstatite form:  Mg2Si2O6       X:  0.9900
   hedenbergite form:  CaFeSi2O6      X:  1.3223
alumino-buffoni form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X:  0.0384
      buffonite form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X: -0.0379
       essenite form:  CaFeAlSiO6     X:  0.0479
        jadeite form:  NaAlSi2O6      X:  0.0024
Ilmenite ss     affn:    1532.58
     geikielite form:  MgTiO3         X:  0.0541
       hematite form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0926
       ilmenite form:  FeTiO3         X:  0.8213
    pyrophanite form:  MnTiO3         X:  0.0000
       corundum form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0320
Feldspar        moles:   0.107063 grams:  29.027
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4476  wt%    SiO2   66.13
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0161  wt%   Al2O3   19.11
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5363  wt%     CaO    0.33
                                                  wt%    Na2O    5.12
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.32

Compute the system oxygen fugacity using Kress and Carmichael (1991) along with the total moles of oxygen in the system

results = []
results.append((t-273.15,p/10.0) + equil.kc_print_state(state))
System log 10 fO2 -1.7164406456824466 realtive to NNO.
System log 10 NNO -14.689033256787773
Moles of O in system 3.3896811476490214

Assign an oxygen buffer, and recalculate …

NNO_offset = 0.0
state = equil.execute(t, p, bulk_comp=blk_cmp, con_deltaNNO=NNO_offset, debug=0, stats=True)
Add: Feldspar
Quad (000) norm:  1.1088965209070e-02 Lin (023) step:  9.5997569002109e-01 func: -1.7237374118436e+06
Quad (001) norm:  8.1604987400092e-04 Lin (021) step:  1.0857467425863e+00 func: -1.7237370619054e+06
Quad (002) norm:  3.2991904519225e-04 Lin (029) step:  1.0213975589435e+00 func: -1.7237370197636e+06
Quad (003) norm:  3.4086301589486e-06 Lin (032) step:  1.0064460754365e+00 func: -1.7237370056517e+06
Quad (004) norm:  2.4588439250310e-08 Lin (037) step:  6.2519199060268e-01 func: -1.7237370057651e+06
Quad (005) norm:  9.2165369704004e-09 Lin (039) step: -1.0747080246838e+00 func: -1.7237370057646e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Add: Water
Quad (000) norm:  6.3618321033766e-02 Lin (019) step:  8.8747190098187e-01 func: -1.7237483102659e+06
Quad (001) norm:  5.3303612550691e-03 Lin (020) step:  1.1199292927701e+00 func: -1.7237487872091e+06
Quad (002) norm:  1.0788905113964e-03 Lin (018) step:  1.0438220098859e+00 func: -1.7237485802443e+06
Quad (003) norm:  1.0300483180752e-05 Lin (030) step:  1.0008740453093e+00 func: -1.7237485454949e+06
Quad (004) norm:  3.0800336161768e-08 Lin (038) step:  1.0442103805261e+00 func: -1.7237485454033e+06
Quad (005) norm:  1.3605931626475e-09 Lin (037) step:  1.0851449005413e+00 func: -1.7237485454024e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Add: Quartz
Quad (000) norm:  1.2056195438626e-01 Lin (022) step:  9.4583825548841e-01 func: -1.7237524777846e+06
Quad (001) norm:  1.1920199389206e-02 Lin (020) step:  1.5463617100034e+00 func: -1.7237543536443e+06
Quad (002) norm:  4.1847268598403e-03 Lin (022) step:  1.0549958681705e+00 func: -1.7237541976735e+06
Quad (003) norm:  3.4836373545317e-04 Lin (030) step:  1.0071263854185e+00 func: -1.7237542303590e+06
Quad (004) norm:  2.0577440062515e-06 Lin (029) step:  1.0560946587188e+00 func: -1.7237542268188e+06
Quad (005) norm:  1.1536333342486e-07 Lin (041) step:  5.4657225374552e-01 func: -1.7237542268307e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Unmixing: Feldspar
Quad (000) norm:  5.9291455859757e-01 Lin (024) step:  6.4434966514216e-01 func: -1.7237606829510e+06
Quad (001) norm:  2.0996136091821e-02 Lin (016) step:  1.3282093865142e+00 func: -1.7237600223682e+06
Quad (002) norm:  1.4117419236090e-02 Lin (029) step:  1.0292363957991e+00 func: -1.7237598503303e+06
Quad (003) norm:  3.4956779781134e-04 Lin (030) step:  1.0006067972068e+00 func: -1.7237597503985e+06
Quad (004) norm:  5.7233272908965e-07 Lin (046) step: -1.1222183310892e-01 func: -1.7237597529522e+06
Quad (005) norm:  6.3657620206228e-07 Lin (019) step:  1.9475175468053e+00 func: -1.7237597529526e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Add: Spinel
Quad (000) norm:  3.0680775090454e-01 Lin (018) step:  5.5129438039842e-01 func: -1.7237620066069e+06
Quad (001) norm:  2.3109675795017e-01 Lin (017) step:  6.3444708819673e-01 func: -1.7238666764237e+06
Quad (002) norm:  1.6105407008731e-01 Lin (023) step:  6.7860487840586e-01 func: -1.7239335162576e+06
Quad (003) norm:  7.4077371350414e-02 Lin (026) step:  7.5444995263151e-01 func: -1.7239710792901e+06
Quad (004) norm:  2.8142236109093e-02 Lin (023) step:  8.4988115683744e-01 func: -1.7239911179668e+06
Quad (005) norm:  1.3108274306646e-02 Lin (024) step:  9.0094876936307e-01 func: -1.7240032421603e+06
Quad (006) norm:  7.2450175149946e-03 Lin (021) step:  9.3324715261238e-01 func: -1.7240108272472e+06
Quad (007) norm:  4.2808137849794e-03 Lin (029) step:  9.5641841594201e-01 func: -1.7240155995396e+06
Quad (008) norm:  2.6014167104895e-03 Lin (024) step:  9.7198145996323e-01 func: -1.7240186040995e+06
Quad (009) norm:  1.6014354975508e-03 Lin (025) step:  9.8194976913110e-01 func: -1.7240204932053e+06
Quad (010) norm:  9.9285230654093e-04 Lin (027) step:  9.8898930422666e-01 func: -1.7240216796059e+06
Quad (011) norm:  6.1796198823174e-04 Lin (034) step:  9.9239010500033e-01 func: -1.7240224248362e+06
Quad (012) norm:  3.8583314598256e-04 Lin (027) step:  9.9564057907902e-01 func: -1.7240228920112e+06
Quad (013) norm:  2.4121530007305e-04 Lin (030) step:  9.9755635324963e-01 func: -1.7240231853401e+06
Quad (014) norm:  1.5094056139566e-04 Lin (029) step:  9.9820592784760e-01 func: -1.7240233693481e+06
Quad (015) norm:  9.4536730531719e-05 Lin (032) step:  9.9944672151471e-01 func: -1.7240234846730e+06
Quad (016) norm:  5.9214219429387e-05 Lin (029) step:  9.9894056190156e-01 func: -1.7240235570349e+06
Quad (017) norm:  3.7119663300749e-05 Lin (021) step:  1.0006600891535e+00 func: -1.7240236023533e+06
Quad (018) norm:  2.3252825997875e-05 Lin (035) step:  9.9337695656695e-01 func: -1.7240236308174e+06
Quad (019) norm:  1.4632379648442e-05 Lin (018) step:  1.0063685909704e+00 func: -1.7240236485210e+06
Quad (020) norm:  9.1379550640479e-06 Lin (032) step:  1.0117165723119e+00 func: -1.7240236598080e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     760.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   0.245286 grams:  15.672
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6750  wt%    SiO2   73.88
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0013  wt%    TiO2    0.17
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0387  wt%   Al2O3   11.23
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0010  wt%   Fe2O3    0.25
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.56
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0025  wt%     MgO    0.15
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.23
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0012  wt%    Na2O    3.97
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.67
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    4.89
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0026
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0409
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0634
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1734
Feldspar        moles:   0.048162 grams:  12.813
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7631  wt%    SiO2   65.64
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0939  wt%   Al2O3   20.96
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1430  wt%     CaO    1.98
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.89
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.53
Water           moles:   0.262776 grams:   4.734
Quartz          moles:   0.493846 grams:  29.672
Spinel          moles:   0.002832 grams:   0.639
       chromite form:  FeCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%    TiO2    8.41
      hercynite form:  FeAl2O4        X: -0.0252  wt%   Al2O3    1.55
      magnetite form:  Fe3O4          X:  0.7281  wt%   Fe2O3   51.50
         spinel form:  MgAl2O4        X:  0.0594  wt%     FeO   37.49
     ulvospinel form:  Fe2TiO4        X:  0.2376  wt%     MgO    1.06
Orthopyroxene   affn:    1464.93
       diopside form:  CaMgSi2O6      X: -1.0075
 clinoenstatite form:  Mg2Si2O6       X:  0.9909
   hedenbergite form:  CaFeSi2O6      X:  0.9783
alumino-buffoni form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X:  0.0272
      buffonite form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X: -0.0264
       essenite form:  CaFeAlSiO6     X:  0.0354
        jadeite form:  NaAlSi2O6      X:  0.0021
Ilmenite ss     affn:     734.99
     geikielite form:  MgTiO3         X:  0.1007
       hematite form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.1183
       ilmenite form:  FeTiO3         X:  0.7534
    pyrophanite form:  MnTiO3         X:  0.0000
       corundum form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0276
Feldspar        moles:   0.155280 grams:  42.066
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4611  wt%    SiO2   66.18
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0161  wt%   Al2O3   19.12
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5228  wt%     CaO    0.33
                                                  wt%    Na2O    5.27
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.09
results.append((t-273.15,p/10.0) + equil.kc_print_state(state))
System log 10 fO2 4.760636329592671e-13 realtive to NNO.
System log 10 NNO -14.689033256787773
Moles of O in system 3.390696315476103

Next, loop through a series of temperatures

deltaT = 1
state = equil.execute(t-float(deltaT), p, state=state, con_deltaNNO=NNO_offset, debug=0, stats=True)
results.append((t-float(deltaT)-273.15,p/10.0) + equil.kc_print_state(state))
Quad (000) norm:  1.1716193655914e-01 Lin (019) step:  6.2651985718892e-01 func: -1.7237675803246e+06
Quad (001) norm:  6.1088672599057e-03 Lin (022) step:  9.2495728264936e-01 func: -1.7237755526931e+06
Quad (002) norm:  2.1761558468316e-03 Lin (017) step:  9.5291598297549e-01 func: -1.7237796195321e+06
Quad (003) norm:  1.2408504075135e-03 Lin (022) step:  9.6911811107389e-01 func: -1.7237821730298e+06
Quad (004) norm:  7.6495031674791e-04 Lin (025) step:  9.7974589461997e-01 func: -1.7237838070235e+06
Quad (005) norm:  4.8112752525092e-04 Lin (031) step:  9.8692391082430e-01 func: -1.7237848534456e+06
Quad (006) norm:  3.0483606284705e-04 Lin (019) step:  9.9173674493789e-01 func: -1.7237855241471e+06
Quad (007) norm:  1.9394853817389e-04 Lin (025) step:  9.9587335525550e-01 func: -1.7237859541642e+06
Quad (008) norm:  1.2365722175777e-04 Lin (031) step:  9.9790433266723e-01 func: -1.7237862301398e+06
Quad (009) norm:  7.8977763857675e-05 Lin (017) step:  9.9817426305689e-01 func: -1.7237864069693e+06
Quad (010) norm:  5.0527487481494e-05 Lin (021) step:  9.9889898642025e-01 func: -1.7237865201498e+06
Quad (011) norm:  3.2350995821889e-05 Lin (021) step:  9.9927742290195e-01 func: -1.7237865926988e+06
Quad (012) norm:  2.0724579235076e-05 Lin (021) step:  9.9972805409784e-01 func: -1.7237866392030e+06
Quad (013) norm:  1.3279634567496e-05 Lin (026) step:  1.0001228329674e+00 func: -1.7237866690226e+06
Quad (014) norm:  8.5099352162928e-06 Lin (033) step:  1.0151040899645e+00 func: -1.7237866881437e+06
Quad (015) norm:  5.4087172271374e-06 Lin (032) step:  1.0073030248227e+00 func: -1.7237867005830e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Add: Orthopyroxene
Quad (000) norm:  8.5628032584059e-03 Lin (025) step:  9.0988059528844e-01 func: -1.7237867192707e+06
Quad (001) norm:  9.5310057568647e-05 Lin (016) step:  1.0456400979295e+00 func: -1.7237855440615e+06
Quad (002) norm:  2.1939070270258e-04 Lin (012) step:  1.0074831376080e+00 func: -1.7237845954139e+06
Quad (003) norm:  1.1291804441265e-04 Lin (022) step:  1.0053030547400e+00 func: -1.7237839010628e+06
Quad (004) norm:  8.3354590771905e-05 Lin (027) step:  1.0030414293043e+00 func: -1.7237833790243e+06
Quad (005) norm:  6.2146388371921e-05 Lin (026) step:  1.0022807675146e+00 func: -1.7237829864048e+06
Quad (006) norm:  4.6481147017440e-05 Lin (030) step:  1.0026606985133e+00 func: -1.7237826905575e+06
Quad (007) norm:  3.4825832683591e-05 Lin (025) step:  1.0013140773975e+00 func: -1.7237824673700e+06
Quad (008) norm:  2.6141742392939e-05 Lin (023) step:  1.0010250651609e+00 func: -1.7237822993348e+06
Quad (009) norm:  1.9645591106098e-05 Lin (035) step:  9.9990066876400e-01 func: -1.7237821726494e+06
Quad (010) norm:  1.4780945563084e-05 Lin (021) step:  1.0006375732695e+00 func: -1.7237820772177e+06
Quad (011) norm:  1.1124809299801e-05 Lin (033) step:  1.0022235173255e+00 func: -1.7237820051740e+06
Quad (012) norm:  8.3724734217140e-06 Lin (025) step:  9.9991774637626e-01 func: -1.7237819507561e+06
Quad (013) norm:  6.3080177207430e-06 Lin (033) step:  1.0030302960268e+00 func: -1.7237819098341e+06
Quad (014) norm:  4.7489718380006e-06 Lin (038) step:  9.9220329968826e-01 func: -1.7237818788715e+06
Quad (015) norm:  3.5886311264534e-06 Lin (020) step:  9.9893451472596e-01 func: -1.7237818557932e+06
Quad (016) norm:  2.7062221760145e-06 Lin (034) step:  1.0025774796223e+00 func: -1.7237818382242e+06
Quad (017) norm:  2.0385961575181e-06 Lin (032) step:  9.8838420643944e-01 func: -1.7237818249205e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

Add: Ilmenite ss
Quad (000) norm:  3.9887860130423e-04 Lin (029) step:  1.0121371611223e+00 func: -1.7237818150997e+06
Quad (001) norm:  1.1138178097085e-04 Lin (024) step:  9.8598815068760e-01 func: -1.7237818503456e+06
Quad (002) norm:  9.9027993676813e-07 Lin (033) step:  1.0015701871848e+00 func: -1.7237818777930e+06
Quad (003) norm:  2.8454360284714e-07 Lin (033) step:  9.9780049815636e-01 func: -1.7237818996928e+06
Quad (004) norm:  2.2275877862611e-07 Lin (031) step:  1.0022485331229e+00 func: -1.7237819166105e+06
Quad (005) norm:  1.7281597966302e-07 Lin (035) step:  9.7982150596083e-01 func: -1.7237819298017e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     759.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   0.130198 grams:   8.305
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6743  wt%    SiO2   74.05
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0014  wt%    TiO2    0.18
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0367  wt%   Al2O3   10.81
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0010  wt%   Fe2O3    0.26
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.55
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0025  wt%     MgO    0.21
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.24
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0016  wt%    Na2O    4.19
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.57
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    4.93
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0027
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0431
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0619
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1747
Feldspar        moles:   0.050478 grams:  13.428
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7639  wt%    SiO2   65.70
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0914  wt%   Al2O3   20.92
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1447  wt%     CaO    1.93
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.90
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.56
Water           moles:   0.282553 grams:   5.090
Quartz          moles:   0.534470 grams:  32.113
Spinel          moles:   0.003147 grams:   0.709
       chromite form:  FeCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%    TiO2    9.16
      hercynite form:  FeAl2O4        X: -0.0407  wt%   Al2O3    1.45
      magnetite form:  Fe3O4          X:  0.7097  wt%   Fe2O3   50.29
         spinel form:  MgAl2O4        X:  0.0728  wt%     FeO   37.80
     ulvospinel form:  Fe2TiO4        X:  0.2582  wt%     MgO    1.30
Orthopyroxene   moles:   0.000079 grams:   0.018
       diopside form:  CaMgSi2O6      X: -0.9051  wt%    SiO2   51.67
 clinoenstatite form:  Mg2Si2O6       X:  0.9935  wt%    TiO2    0.02
   hedenbergite form:  CaFeSi2O6      X:  0.8794  wt%   Al2O3    1.13
alumino-buffoni form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X:  0.0195  wt%   Fe2O3    0.40
      buffonite form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X: -0.0186  wt%     FeO   27.59
       essenite form:  CaFeAlSiO6     X:  0.0299  wt%     MgO   19.05
        jadeite form:  NaAlSi2O6      X:  0.0014  wt%     CaO    0.13
                                                  wt%    Na2O    0.02
Ilmenite ss     moles:   0.000005 grams:   0.001
     geikielite form:  MgTiO3         X:  0.1207  wt%    TiO2   46.98
       hematite form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.1069  wt%   Al2O3    1.78
       ilmenite form:  FeTiO3         X:  0.7466  wt%   Fe2O3   11.57
    pyrophanite form:  MnTiO3         X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO   36.37
       corundum form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0257  wt%     MgO    3.30
Feldspar        moles:   0.169578 grams:  45.932
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4637  wt%    SiO2   66.20
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0159  wt%   Al2O3   19.12
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5204  wt%     CaO    0.33
                                                  wt%    Na2O    5.31
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.05
System log 10 fO2 1.1404210908949608e-12 realtive to NNO.
System log 10 NNO -14.711885893595664
Moles of O in system 3.3907519057677327
deltaT = 2
state = equil.execute(t-float(deltaT), p, state=state, con_deltaNNO=NNO_offset, debug=0, stats=True)
results.append((t-float(deltaT)-273.15,p/10.0) + equil.kc_print_state(state))
Quad (000) norm:  7.5695898580778e-02 Lin (028) step:  5.0493519563345e-01 func: -1.7235268312828e+06
Quad (001) norm:  2.8004998242375e-04 Lin (020) step:  9.9045376386634e-01 func: -1.7235266246677e+06
Quad (002) norm:  3.4992097467373e-06 Lin (030) step:  1.0031173160087e+00 func: -1.7235264687474e+06
Quad (003) norm:  1.4049735387857e-06 Lin (031) step:  1.0018309929430e+00 func: -1.7235263358813e+06
Quad (004) norm:  1.1785979817255e-06 Lin (033) step:  1.0031286511991e+00 func: -1.7235262245294e+06
Quad (005) norm:  9.8981862263130e-07 Lin (033) step:  1.0014851158518e+00 func: -1.7235261309484e+06
Quad (006) norm:  8.3136252566102e-07 Lin (017) step:  1.0007169534797e+00 func: -1.7235260525576e+06
Quad (007) norm:  6.9825704246073e-07 Lin (018) step:  1.0008217289770e+00 func: -1.7235259868173e+06
Quad (008) norm:  5.8636652875720e-07 Lin (031) step:  1.0014290103664e+00 func: -1.7235259316325e+06
Quad (009) norm:  4.9228888834348e-07 Lin (031) step:  1.0019285518599e+00 func: -1.7235258852880e+06
Quad (010) norm:  4.1322347070990e-07 Lin (008) step:  1.0010065313479e+00 func: -1.7235258463777e+06
Quad (011) norm:  3.4688724685297e-07 Lin (034) step:  1.0039585461546e+00 func: -1.7235258137595e+06
Quad (012) norm:  2.9101529361279e-07 Lin (034) step:  1.0053367404128e+00 func: -1.7235257863059e+06
Quad (013) norm:  2.4406243344218e-07 Lin (032) step:  9.9976247272188e-01 func: -1.7235257632489e+06
Quad (014) norm:  2.0489298780127e-07 Lin (030) step:  9.9947960199157e-01 func: -1.7235257440237e+06
Quad (015) norm:  1.7201187361741e-07 Lin (034) step:  1.0048143845123e+00 func: -1.7235257278916e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     758.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   0.082776 grams:   5.268
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6735  wt%    SiO2   74.28
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0014  wt%    TiO2    0.17
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0344  wt%   Al2O3   10.33
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0011  wt%   Fe2O3    0.26
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.56
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0025  wt%     MgO    0.21
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.26
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0016  wt%    Na2O    4.47
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.46
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    5.00
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0029
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0459
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0603
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1765
Feldspar        moles:   0.051675 grams:  13.746
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7646  wt%    SiO2   65.72
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0904  wt%   Al2O3   20.90
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1450  wt%     CaO    1.91
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.91
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.57
Water           moles:   0.290684 grams:   5.237
Quartz          moles:   0.551080 grams:  33.111
Spinel          moles:   0.003194 grams:   0.720
       chromite form:  FeCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%    TiO2    9.21
      hercynite form:  FeAl2O4        X: -0.0416  wt%   Al2O3    1.37
      magnetite form:  Fe3O4          X:  0.7098  wt%   Fe2O3   50.28
         spinel form:  MgAl2O4        X:  0.0720  wt%     FeO   37.85
     ulvospinel form:  Fe2TiO4        X:  0.2598  wt%     MgO    1.29
Orthopyroxene   moles:   0.000220 grams:   0.050
       diopside form:  CaMgSi2O6      X: -0.9050  wt%    SiO2   51.71
 clinoenstatite form:  Mg2Si2O6       X:  0.9930  wt%    TiO2    0.01
   hedenbergite form:  CaFeSi2O6      X:  0.8820  wt%   Al2O3    1.04
alumino-buffoni form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X:  0.0177  wt%   Fe2O3    0.38
      buffonite form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X: -0.0169  wt%     FeO   27.66
       essenite form:  CaFeAlSiO6     X:  0.0278  wt%     MgO   19.03
        jadeite form:  NaAlSi2O6      X:  0.0014  wt%     CaO    0.14
                                                  wt%    Na2O    0.02
Ilmenite ss     moles:   0.000068 grams:   0.010
     geikielite form:  MgTiO3         X:  0.1200  wt%    TiO2   47.05
       hematite form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.1066  wt%   Al2O3    1.68
       ilmenite form:  FeTiO3         X:  0.7491  wt%   Fe2O3   11.53
    pyrophanite form:  MnTiO3         X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO   36.46
       corundum form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0243  wt%     MgO    3.28
Feldspar        moles:   0.175204 grams:  47.455
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4641  wt%    SiO2   66.20
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0157  wt%   Al2O3   19.12
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5201  wt%     CaO    0.33
                                                  wt%    Na2O    5.31
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.04
System log 10 fO2 -6.288303211476887e-13 realtive to NNO.
System log 10 NNO -14.734783298453006
Moles of O in system 3.3907478066363748
deltaT = 3
state = equil.execute(t-float(deltaT), p, state=state, con_deltaNNO=NNO_offset, debug=0, stats=True)
results.append((t-float(deltaT)-273.15,p/10.0) + equil.kc_print_state(state))
Quad (000) norm:  2.0243026303418e-02 Lin (021) step:  7.0082983487209e-01 func: -1.7232710032814e+06
Quad (001) norm:  1.6656396148692e-04 Lin (024) step:  9.9784472612397e-01 func: -1.7232708971859e+06
Quad (002) norm:  1.1870343795491e-06 Lin (022) step:  1.0013430841889e+00 func: -1.7232708025140e+06
Quad (003) norm:  9.5988553108768e-07 Lin (033) step:  1.0024086002173e+00 func: -1.7232707201750e+06
Quad (004) norm:  8.3180023976553e-07 Lin (021) step:  1.0009072984148e+00 func: -1.7232706487809e+06
Quad (005) norm:  7.2082830410361e-07 Lin (031) step:  1.0007872021771e+00 func: -1.7232705870482e+06
Quad (006) norm:  6.2461005108588e-07 Lin (034) step:  1.0056017573443e+00 func: -1.7232705335855e+06
Quad (007) norm:  5.4078675303037e-07 Lin (029) step:  1.0008625064891e+00 func: -1.7232704870572e+06
Quad (008) norm:  4.6851729237499e-07 Lin (008) step:  1.0012345832159e+00 func: -1.7232704469787e+06
Quad (009) norm:  4.0585616482288e-07 Lin (023) step:  1.0003979429953e+00 func: -1.7232704122549e+06
Quad (010) norm:  3.5160088576436e-07 Lin (030) step:  1.0006084923947e+00 func: -1.7232703822092e+06
Quad (011) norm:  3.0457326875907e-07 Lin (033) step:  1.0023026342140e+00 func: -1.7232703561812e+06
Quad (012) norm:  2.6375539872188e-07 Lin (034) step:  1.0046557285035e+00 func: -1.7232703336012e+06
Quad (013) norm:  2.2831627214069e-07 Lin (025) step:  9.9965515779842e-01 func: -1.7232703140052e+06
Quad (014) norm:  1.9778485140346e-07 Lin (035) step:  9.9252806668756e-01 func: -1.7232702971294e+06
Quad (015) norm:  1.7152049456173e-07 Lin (033) step:  1.0005198987296e+00 func: -1.7232702826166e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     757.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   0.065228 grams:   4.144
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6727  wt%    SiO2   74.43
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0013  wt%    TiO2    0.16
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0327  wt%   Al2O3    9.99
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0011  wt%   Fe2O3    0.27
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.57
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0025  wt%     MgO    0.20
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.27
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0016  wt%    Na2O    4.68
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.38
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    5.05
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0030
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0480
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0590
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1780
Feldspar        moles:   0.052405 grams:  13.939
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7652  wt%    SiO2   65.73
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0900  wt%   Al2O3   20.89
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1448  wt%     CaO    1.90
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.92
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.56
Water           moles:   0.293688 grams:   5.291
Quartz          moles:   0.557237 grams:  33.481
Spinel          moles:   0.003209 grams:   0.724
       chromite form:  FeCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%    TiO2    9.24
      hercynite form:  FeAl2O4        X: -0.0421  wt%   Al2O3    1.32
      magnetite form:  Fe3O4          X:  0.7100  wt%   Fe2O3   50.27
         spinel form:  MgAl2O4        X:  0.0712  wt%     FeO   37.90
     ulvospinel form:  Fe2TiO4        X:  0.2609  wt%     MgO    1.27
Orthopyroxene   moles:   0.000274 grams:   0.063
       diopside form:  CaMgSi2O6      X: -0.9057  wt%    SiO2   51.73
 clinoenstatite form:  Mg2Si2O6       X:  0.9927  wt%    TiO2    0.01
   hedenbergite form:  CaFeSi2O6      X:  0.8845  wt%   Al2O3    0.98
alumino-buffoni form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X:  0.0165  wt%   Fe2O3    0.37
      buffonite form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X: -0.0157  wt%     FeO   27.73
       essenite form:  CaFeAlSiO6     X:  0.0263  wt%     MgO   19.00
        jadeite form:  NaAlSi2O6      X:  0.0014  wt%     CaO    0.15
                                                  wt%    Na2O    0.02
Ilmenite ss     moles:   0.000090 grams:   0.013
     geikielite form:  MgTiO3         X:  0.1193  wt%    TiO2   47.10
       hematite form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.1063  wt%   Al2O3    1.61
       ilmenite form:  FeTiO3         X:  0.7511  wt%   Fe2O3   11.49
    pyrophanite form:  MnTiO3         X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO   36.54
       corundum form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0233  wt%     MgO    3.26
Feldspar        moles:   0.176997 grams:  47.942
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4637  wt%    SiO2   66.20
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0156  wt%   Al2O3   19.11
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5208  wt%     CaO    0.32
                                                  wt%    Na2O    5.30
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.06
System log 10 fO2 2.788880237858393e-13 realtive to NNO.
System log 10 NNO -14.757725602091266
Moles of O in system 3.390745117287217
deltaT = 4
state = equil.execute(t-float(deltaT), p, state=state, con_deltaNNO=NNO_offset, debug=0, stats=True)
results.append((t-float(deltaT)-273.15,p/10.0) + equil.kc_print_state(state))
Quad (000) norm:  1.0077722247735e-02 Lin (022) step:  7.8729338922378e-01 func: -1.7230158185347e+06
Quad (001) norm:  1.1919229445379e-04 Lin (026) step:  9.9897620783456e-01 func: -1.7230157421731e+06
Quad (002) norm:  9.2287473033048e-07 Lin (027) step:  1.0011107494646e+00 func: -1.7230156722621e+06
Quad (003) norm:  7.5330495551305e-07 Lin (035) step:  9.9698701679482e-01 func: -1.7230156104356e+06
Quad (004) norm:  6.6505755183412e-07 Lin (025) step:  1.0007254676522e+00 func: -1.7230155561285e+06
Quad (005) norm:  5.8677326028703e-07 Lin (028) step:  1.0007179107803e+00 func: -1.7230155080243e+06
Quad (006) norm:  5.1767304168180e-07 Lin (035) step:  9.9863149853616e-01 func: -1.7230154655962e+06
Quad (007) norm:  4.5681317383747e-07 Lin (034) step:  1.0028396283571e+00 func: -1.7230154282532e+06
Quad (008) norm:  4.0286364888853e-07 Lin (025) step:  9.9991754179568e-01 func: -1.7230153951696e+06
Quad (009) norm:  3.5540916915708e-07 Lin (028) step:  1.0088059250695e+00 func: -1.7230153660846e+06
Quad (010) norm:  3.1316117287442e-07 Lin (030) step:  1.0000073180698e+00 func: -1.7230153402025e+06
Quad (011) norm:  2.7625064477759e-07 Lin (036) step:  9.9406788719497e-01 func: -1.7230153175998e+06
Quad (012) norm:  2.4387728127361e-07 Lin (025) step:  1.0001053298964e+00 func: -1.7230152977826e+06
Quad (013) norm:  2.1511902350563e-07 Lin (024) step:  1.0010126590966e+00 func: -1.7230152801837e+06
Quad (014) norm:  1.8972475965658e-07 Lin (031) step:  9.9190487783632e-01 func: -1.7230152646478e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     756.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   0.055440 grams:   3.516
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6720  wt%    SiO2   74.55
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0013  wt%    TiO2    0.16
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0314  wt%   Al2O3    9.70
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0011  wt%   Fe2O3    0.28
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.57
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0025  wt%     MgO    0.20
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.28
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0016  wt%    Na2O    4.86
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.31
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    5.09
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0031
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0497
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0580
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1793
Feldspar        moles:   0.053016 grams:  14.101
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7659  wt%    SiO2   65.74
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0897  wt%   Al2O3   20.89
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1444  wt%     CaO    1.89
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.92
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.56
Water           moles:   0.295360 grams:   5.321
Quartz          moles:   0.560678 grams:  33.688
Spinel          moles:   0.003217 grams:   0.726
       chromite form:  FeCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%    TiO2    9.27
      hercynite form:  FeAl2O4        X: -0.0425  wt%   Al2O3    1.27
      magnetite form:  Fe3O4          X:  0.7102  wt%   Fe2O3   50.27
         spinel form:  MgAl2O4        X:  0.0706  wt%     FeO   37.93
     ulvospinel form:  Fe2TiO4        X:  0.2617  wt%     MgO    1.26
Orthopyroxene   moles:   0.000306 grams:   0.070
       diopside form:  CaMgSi2O6      X: -0.9065  wt%    SiO2   51.75
 clinoenstatite form:  Mg2Si2O6       X:  0.9923  wt%    TiO2    0.01
   hedenbergite form:  CaFeSi2O6      X:  0.8868  wt%   Al2O3    0.94
alumino-buffoni form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X:  0.0156  wt%   Fe2O3    0.36
      buffonite form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X: -0.0148  wt%     FeO   27.80
       essenite form:  CaFeAlSiO6     X:  0.0252  wt%     MgO   18.97
        jadeite form:  NaAlSi2O6      X:  0.0014  wt%     CaO    0.15
                                                  wt%    Na2O    0.02
Ilmenite ss     moles:   0.000102 grams:   0.015
     geikielite form:  MgTiO3         X:  0.1187  wt%    TiO2   47.14
       hematite form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.1059  wt%   Al2O3    1.55
       ilmenite form:  FeTiO3         X:  0.7529  wt%   Fe2O3   11.45
    pyrophanite form:  MnTiO3         X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO   36.62
       corundum form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0225  wt%     MgO    3.24
Feldspar        moles:   0.177792 grams:  48.159
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4630  wt%    SiO2   66.20
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0154  wt%   Al2O3   19.11
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5217  wt%     CaO    0.32
                                                  wt%    Na2O    5.30
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.07
System log 10 fO2 2.7569058147491887e-12 realtive to NNO.
System log 10 NNO -14.780712935750506
Moles of O in system 3.3907430417032036
deltaT = 5
state = equil.execute(t-float(deltaT), p, state=state, con_deltaNNO=NNO_offset, debug=0, stats=True)
results.append((t-float(deltaT)-273.15,p/10.0) + equil.kc_print_state(state))
Quad (000) norm:  6.2705293515395e-03 Lin (020) step:  8.3595839378991e-01 func: -1.7227610125102e+06
Quad (001) norm:  9.1631825018789e-05 Lin (031) step:  9.9861877590068e-01 func: -1.7227609493691e+06
Quad (002) norm:  7.7347751364953e-07 Lin (031) step:  1.0010691219059e+00 func: -1.7227608910511e+06
Quad (003) norm:  6.5211568767003e-07 Lin (033) step:  1.0025759611940e+00 func: -1.7227608388227e+06
Quad (004) norm:  5.8230995844100e-07 Lin (026) step:  1.0005546266468e+00 func: -1.7227607921203e+06
Quad (005) norm:  5.2004526399082e-07 Lin (030) step:  1.0012523366404e+00 func: -1.7227607505144e+06
Quad (006) norm:  4.6438035331624e-07 Lin (012) step:  1.0009033138034e+00 func: -1.7227607133399e+06
Quad (007) norm:  4.1467558611098e-07 Lin (031) step:  1.0031861319825e+00 func: -1.7227606801628e+06
Quad (008) norm:  3.7017733191050e-07 Lin (025) step:  9.9950741392646e-01 func: -1.7227606504747e+06
Quad (009) norm:  3.3058976239564e-07 Lin (032) step:  1.0007823983598e+00 func: -1.7227606240738e+06
Quad (010) norm:  2.9518307847799e-07 Lin (029) step:  1.0007982467351e+00 func: -1.7227606004697e+06
Quad (011) norm:  2.6356158980475e-07 Lin (033) step:  1.0032511165411e+00 func: -1.7227605793959e+06
Quad (012) norm:  2.3525336802940e-07 Lin (034) step:  1.0056258430467e+00 func: -1.7227605605358e+06
Quad (013) norm:  2.0992195831765e-07 Lin (037) step:  9.9344457321834e-01 func: -1.7227605436633e+06
Minimal energy termination of quadratic loop.

T =     755.85 °C, P =      175.0 MPa
Liquid          moles:   0.048992 grams:   3.103
           SiO2 form:  SiO2           X:  0.6713  wt%    SiO2   74.65
           TiO2 form:  TiO2           X:  0.0012  wt%    TiO2    0.16
          Al2O3 form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0302  wt%   Al2O3    9.46
          Fe2O3 form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.0011  wt%   Fe2O3    0.28
        MgCr2O4 form:  MgCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO    0.58
        Fe2SiO4 form:  Fe2SiO4        X:  0.0025  wt%     MgO    0.20
      MnSi0.5O2 form:  MnSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     CaO    0.29
        Mg2SiO4 form:  Mg2SiO4        X:  0.0016  wt%    Na2O    5.02
      NiSi0.5O2 form:  NiSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     K2O    4.24
      CoSi0.5O2 form:  CoSi0.5O2      X:  0.0000  wt%     H2O    5.13
         CaSiO3 form:  CaSiO3         X:  0.0032
        Na2SiO3 form:  Na2SiO3        X:  0.0513
        KAlSiO4 form:  KAlSiO4        X:  0.0570
      Ca3(PO4)2 form:  Ca3(PO4)2      X:  0.0000
            H2O form:  H2O            X:  0.1804
Feldspar        moles:   0.053574 grams:  14.249
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.7666  wt%    SiO2   65.75
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0895  wt%   Al2O3   20.88
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.1439  wt%     CaO    1.89
                                                  wt%    Na2O    8.93
                                                  wt%     K2O    2.55
Water           moles:   0.296459 grams:   5.341
Quartz          moles:   0.562949 grams:  33.824
Spinel          moles:   0.003221 grams:   0.727
       chromite form:  FeCr2O4        X:  0.0000  wt%    TiO2    9.29
      hercynite form:  FeAl2O4        X: -0.0427  wt%   Al2O3    1.23
      magnetite form:  Fe3O4          X:  0.7105  wt%   Fe2O3   50.27
         spinel form:  MgAl2O4        X:  0.0700  wt%     FeO   37.96
     ulvospinel form:  Fe2TiO4        X:  0.2623  wt%     MgO    1.25
Orthopyroxene   moles:   0.000328 grams:   0.075
       diopside form:  CaMgSi2O6      X: -0.9075  wt%    SiO2   51.76
 clinoenstatite form:  Mg2Si2O6       X:  0.9921  wt%    TiO2    0.01
   hedenbergite form:  CaFeSi2O6      X:  0.8891  wt%   Al2O3    0.90
alumino-buffoni form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X:  0.0148  wt%   Fe2O3    0.35
      buffonite form:  CaTi0.5Mg0     X: -0.0141  wt%     FeO   27.86
       essenite form:  CaFeAlSiO6     X:  0.0243  wt%     MgO   18.93
        jadeite form:  NaAlSi2O6      X:  0.0014  wt%     CaO    0.16
                                                  wt%    Na2O    0.02
Ilmenite ss     moles:   0.000110 grams:   0.016
     geikielite form:  MgTiO3         X:  0.1181  wt%    TiO2   47.18
       hematite form:  Fe2O3          X:  0.1055  wt%   Al2O3    1.51
       ilmenite form:  FeTiO3         X:  0.7545  wt%   Fe2O3   11.41
    pyrophanite form:  MnTiO3         X:  0.0000  wt%     FeO   36.69
       corundum form:  Al2O3          X:  0.0218  wt%     MgO    3.22
Feldspar        moles:   0.178159 grams:  48.261
         albite form:  NaAlSi3O8      X:  0.4621  wt%    SiO2   66.20
      anorthite form:  CaAl2Si2O8     X:  0.0152  wt%   Al2O3   19.11
       sanidine form:  KAlSi3O8       X:  0.5226  wt%     CaO    0.32
                                                  wt%    Na2O    5.29
                                                  wt%     K2O    9.09
System log 10 fO2 -3.1956659540810506e-12 realtive to NNO.
System log 10 NNO -14.803745431181873
Moles of O in system 3.390741274412504

Plot results of the sequence

Plot total oxygen content of the system against temperature

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
x = []
y = []
for t,p,log10fO2,log10NNO,moles_O in results:
plt.plot(np.array(x), np.array(y), 'r-')
plt.xlabel('T °C')
plt.ylabel('moles of O')